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These are the committees defined within League of Women Voters of Johnson County. Click the view members link or the committee name to see a list of committee members. If visible for a committee, click the More info to view additional information about the committee. If there are subcommittees, a list of subcommittees will be displayed. Click on the name of the subcommittee to view the members.
Board of Directors
You can help educate members on advocating for League positions, collaborate on opportunities for group advocacy activities, and brainstorm new ways to use our resources to boost member advocacy and advocacy effectiveness.
Staying connected with our members and empowering voters with credible, nonpartisan information are the priorities for this team. Some of the ways we do this include: weekly email updates, The VOTER monthly newsletter, our website, social media, press releases and supporting other committees' marketing and publicity efforts.
Event Planning Team
This team organizes special events for members in coordination with appropriate leadership. Currently, the four special events are the Summer Picnic, August Preview Party, Holiday Party and Annual Meeting. An event’s theme and program itinerary are done with the president’s approval. This team may enlist committee members/chairs for a specific event needs.
Great Decisions Team
League members can participate in Great Decisions, a national, grassroots foreign policy discussion program. They use the Great Decisions Briefing Book, produced annually by the Foreign Policy Association, which contains articles on eight thought-provoking global issues currently facing Americans. The Briefing Book can be ordered from the International Relations Council for delivery in January. The group typically meets at Oak Park Library biweekly February through May. See schedule of topics for 2020. Meetings are announced in The VOTER.
Hospitality Team
This is a good place to begin your initial engagement in League activities. Hospitality works with members to provide refreshments at the general meetings. You can contribute a treat for one or more meetings, help serve treats or organize Hospitality needs.
Membership works as a team to recruit, engage and retain members. It manages membership data. It provides orientation resources for new members, mentoring experiences and new member orientation events. It also provides greeters and welcome tables at League meetings.
Observer Corps Team
Be the eyes and ears of League. Check the Observer Corps Webpage for more infomration.
Program Planning Team
Speakers Bureau Team
Help LWVJoCo offer interesting and nonpartisan presentations to community groups and gatherings on a wide range of timely topics.
Voter Information
Voter Information provides accurate and unbiased information to the public. In addition to written information for voters, this group provides candidate forums, candidate meet-and-greet activities, legislative forums and other group activities relating to elections in the community. To join our teams, go to Interest and sign up.
Voter Registration
Our volunteers staff voter registration education tables at high schools, colleges, retirement homes, civic events, businesses, and food pantries. The League encourages voters who have moved since the last election to update their voter registration with their new address. To join our team, go to Interest and sign up.