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Volunteer Opportunities

Contact Committee chairs at Contact Us for more information about the opportunities listed below.

Thank you for your interest in Volunteering. The league has one-time and ongoing volunteer opportunities.

Committee chairs communicate one-time event opportunities and/or post them on our volunteering page.

To find ongoing opportunities, sign up for our committees and interest, and our committee chairs will contact you.

Note: Some volunteer opportunities are available to active members only.

Committee Opportunities

Some of our committees are in immediate need of additional ongoing volunteers.


Join "The Voter" 
Newsletter Team💥💥💥Urgent Help Needed💥💥💥
Contributing to our monthly newsletter is a great way to stay informed and can be done remotely on your schedule. Activities include Editing/writing, Content planning, Formatting in Club Express software, Creating graphics, and Fact checking.

Coordinate our Social Media💥💥💥Urgent Help Needed💥💥💥
Help with monitoring state and national LWV social media channels. Publish relevant info to LWVJoCo's Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts. You can choose which channel and how often you want to help.

Create Content for our Website💥💥💥Urgent Help Needed💥💥💥
Create and update our website on Club Express. This includes identifying events and news for the website.


Support our League Technology (Google, Website, Zoom, Canva, and Tech Soup)💥💥💥Urgent Help Needed💥💥💥
Run Audio Visual Systems for our events💥💥💥Urgent Help Needed💥💥💥

In addition

Check out the Committees and Interests pages. Both pages allow you to join the committees. You will be notified of volunteer opportunities as the committee chair proposes them.

Legislative Coffee Volunters

Additional Volunteer Opportunities

Check Volunteering for current one-time event openings.